3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One Disc.iso
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171 lines
// control/players/weapon.cs
// Copyright (c) 2003,2006 Kenneth C. Finney
// Portions Copyright (c) 2001 GarageGames.Com
// Portions Copyright (c) 2001 by Sierra Online, Inc.
// This file contains Weapon and Ammo Class/"namespace" helper methods
// as well as hooks into the inventory system. These functions are not
// attached to a specific C++ class or datablock, but define a set of
// methods which are part of dynamic namespaces "class". The Items
// include these namespaces into their scope using the ItemData and
// ItemImageData "className" variable.
// All ShapeBase images are mounted into one of 8 slots on a shape.
// This weapon system assumes all primary weapons are mounted into
// this specified slot:
$WeaponSlot = 0;
// Audio profiles
datablock AudioProfile(WeaponUseSound)
filename = "~/data/sound/weapon_switch.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(WeaponPickupSound)
filename = "~/data/sound/weapon_pickup.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(AmmoPickupSound)
filename = "~/data/sound/ammo_pickup.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
// Weapon Class
function Weapon::onUse(%data,%obj)
// Default behavoir for all weapons is to mount it into the
// this object's weapon slot, which is currently assumed
// to be slot 0
if (%obj.getMountedImage($WeaponSlot) != %data.image.getId())
%obj.mountImage(%data.image, $WeaponSlot);
if (%obj.client)
messageClient(%obj.client, 'MsgWeaponUsed', '\c0Weapon selected');
function Weapon::onPickup(%this, %obj, %shape, %amount)
// The parent Item method performs the actual pickup.
// For player's we automatically use the weapon if the
// player does not already have one in hand.
if (Parent::onPickup(%this, %obj, %shape, %amount))
if ( (%shape.getClassName() $= "Player" ||
%shape.getClassName() $= "AIPlayer" ) &&
%shape.getMountedImage($WeaponSlot) == 0)
function Weapon::onInventory(%this,%obj,%amount)
// Weapon inventory has changed, make sure there are no weapons
// of this type mounted if there are none left in inventory.
if (!%amount && (%slot = %obj.getMountSlot(%this.image)) != -1)
// Weapon Image Class
function WeaponImage::onMount(%this,%obj,%slot)
// Images assume a false ammo state on load. We need to
// set the state according to the current inventory.
if (%obj.getInventory(%this.ammo))
// Ammmo Class
function Ammo::onPickup(%this, %obj, %shape, %amount)
// The parent Item method performs the actual pickup.
if (Parent::onPickup(%this, %obj, %shape, %amount))
function Ammo::onInventory(%this,%obj,%amount)
// The ammo inventory state has changed, we need to update any
// mounted images using this ammo to reflect the new state.
for (%i = 0; %i < 8; %i++)
if ((%image = %obj.getMountedImage(%i)) > 0)
if (IsObject(%image.ammo) && %image.ammo.getId() == %this.getId())
%obj.setImageAmmo(%i,%amount != 0);
// Support function which applies damage to objects within the radius of
// some effect, usually an explosion. This function will also optionally
// apply an impulse to each object.
function radiusDamage(%sourceObject, %position, %radius, %damage, %damageType, %impulse)
// Use the container system to iterate through all the objects
// within our explosion radius. We'll apply damage to all ShapeBase
// objects.
InitContainerRadiusSearch(%position, %radius, $TypeMasks::ShapeBaseObjectType);
%halfRadius = %radius / 2;
while ((%targetObject = containerSearchNext()) != 0) {
// Calculate how much exposure the current object has to
// the explosive force. The object types listed are objects
// that will block an explosion. If the object is totally blocked,
// then no damage is applied.
%coverage = calcExplosionCoverage(%position, %targetObject,
$TypeMasks::InteriorObjectType | $TypeMasks::TerrainObjectType |
$TypeMasks::ForceFieldObjectType | $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType);
if (%coverage == 0)
// Radius distance subtracts out the length of smallest bounding
// box axis to return an appriximate distance to the edge of the
// object's bounds, as opposed to the distance to it's center.
%dist = containerSearchCurrRadiusDist();
// Calculate a distance scale for the damage and the impulse.
// Full damage is applied to anything less than half the radius away,
// linear scale from there.
%distScale = (%dist < %halfRadius)? 1.0:
1.0 - ((%dist - %halfRadius) / %halfRadius);
// Apply the damage
%targetObject.damage(%sourceObject, %position,
%damage * %coverage * %distScale, %damageType);
// Apply the impulse
if (%impulse) {
%impulseVec = VectorSub(%targetObject.getWorldBoxCenter(), %position);
%impulseVec = VectorNormalize(%impulseVec);
%impulseVec = VectorScale(%impulseVec, %impulse * %distScale);
%targetObject.applyImpulse(%position, %impulseVec);